Eindrücklich ist schon die Anreise nach Tortel. Von Valdivia erst einmal nach Puerto Montt, von dort aus mit dem Flugzeug nach Balmaceda und dann mit dem Auto entlang der Carretera Austral und Übernachtung in Puerto Rio Tranquilo. Die Landschaft ist wie gemalt, die Strasse leider nicht. 350km Schotterpiste erscheinen wie eine Ewigkeit im Verhältnis zu den 110km Asphalt. In 8 Stunden Fahrzeit mit Pausen kann man es allerdings an einem Tag schaffen, so lange man rechtzeitig morgens abreist denn im Dunkeln würde ich niemandem diese Fahrt empfehlen.
I've been so far south like never before, in Caleta Tortel. I spent 3 weeks in Entre Hielos Lodge; with my colleagues and crew from SumaAir we surveyed the Southern Patagonian Ice Field several times by helicopter. The crevasses are spectacular, as well is the rest of this impressive landscape. White and blue as far as you can see. Imposing mountains and rocks. An unsullied peace of nature. Unbelievable beautiful and far away from civilization so that you don't want to have any emergency landing.
Impressive is already the way to Tortel. Fom Valdivia to Puerto Montt, then by plane to Balmaceda and from there by car driving at the Carretera Austral with a night over stop in Puerto Rio Tranquilo. The landscape is like a painting, too bad the road isn't. 350km gravel road seem like eternity in comparison to 110km asphalt. However, in 8 hours including breaks it is possible during one day as long as you start early. I wouldn't recommend to anyone to try this at night.
Puerto Rio Tranquilo
Carretera Austral
Entre Hielos Lodge
Night sky (aperture time 30s)
Campo de Hielo Sur
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